Monday, April 28, 2008

Alrighty Then!

Well this is sort of a little note to the God dude upstairs. This summer is going to be really hectic so I thought I would jot a little note and try and instill a sense of serenity before things get nutty. LOL!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boooooooook Coooooooverrrrrr!

I hear these words in some sort of slow motion slur in my head as I try to become unglued so that I can proceed forward and get my next project done. I think that there is going to be more sketching in my future. This is what I have so far.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Interesting Aggravated

Yeah that pretty much sums things today. Its okay tomorrow is tomorrow. I have been jamming for ideas on a book cover. Grrrrr! I need a vacation (5min) to get centered, focus and get back on track, and this weather isnt helping. This is what I have for now. till later...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New Ideas

Things have been chaotic lately in a good way. I think this is just what school is going to do with my ability to crank out my ideas. Its okay they are still all up there and thats what sketch books are for. Right now I am sitting on like 40 songs. I also want to do some painting and work on another cartoon and the comedy sock puppet thing... yeah. My fans are getting restless. Well anyone that really knows me knows that music is a big thing. My band does mostly just hard rock metal stuff but I write solo in all genres. This new one is definitly folk/country flavored. Maybe I will get a rough recording down this weekend. I have been thinking about nature and wildlife alot too. I think the book cover I will redesign will have something to do with this. Thats all for now, till later...