1. Well the last couple of days have been interesting. I got some bad news that ended up not being that bad. (dodged bullet here)
2. I got to have some quality family time with my parents.
3. Ate way too much eating out too many times.
4. Read till my eyeballs felt like they were going to fall out.
5. Worked on some new music, worked on some old music, and talked about music as little as possible.
6. Ate way too much at a friends invite for dinner.
7. Got suckered into "engineering" a friends recording session.
Hmm... Well I got some bad news that the family dog has cancer. He is a cute dog named buster and I was sad that he was ill. My mother and I though both thought that my father would take it especially bad cause since I have been gone the dog is now the defacto "kid" to bond with, so I rushed home to be there when my father recieved the news. He took it rather well, so that was good. We went out to eat, ate way too much Cracker Barrel, spent the night and then ate too much Lone Star the following day. I think my mother is in that... "He looks thin lets fatten him up", sort of moods. None the less I got to have some good quality family time that I have been missing so much lately. Since I was spending the night and I had all my school stuff with me I took advantage and did some reading.

I never much cared for reading much before. It all just seemed boring and I would have rather been out doing something instead of reading about it. I got through my Art History and Graphic design assignments with ease and was pleasently suprised how each complimented the other. Next up was my assignment for English Comp. Grrr!!!, but no, it actually wasnt that bad. It was an interesting article about the Earth's available drinking water supply. The article was rather indepth and very informative. Not only was I reading to complete an exersise but I was becoming informed on an interesting topic that was making me think.... in a pleasent way. I wish I could sum it up for you here but its rather indepth. If you are curious just ask me.

As for the music stuff well that is another animal. I FINALLY got notes back from my drummer on the mixes that I gave him for our next cd (my band C.P.X.). I was pleasently suprised that there were very few. I think I put in like 50 million hours working on that disc trying to make it sound as best I could. If he would have come back with a laundry list of corrections I think I would have just.... (insert something unpleasent here). I have been working on a new tune for my solo rantings (Toadstoole'). Those songs are a lot more carefree. They are basically demos of all the musical ideas in my head that I flush out. Then my drummer from C.P.X. will come along and go, "I like this one, this one and oh yeah that wierd one too", then we rehearsh those, spruce them up a bit and play them live.
I went over to my bosses house tonight to have dinner with her and her boyfriend. Apparently I passed on some good advice and she felt in debted to feed me. Even though she is my boss I used to be hers and since I am her senior she asks for my point of view from time to time on work and realtionships. Well aparently her boyfriend thought it would be an excellent opportunity to have me help him with some of HIS music. We all ate and then he starts talking about working on some music with his friend. Next think I know he turns to me and says, "Hey you coming?", so off down the hall I went. He is just getting started and so it was nice to be in the room and remember what trying to get that first song done was like. I was merely a fly on the wall pushing buttons and speaking up when they asked my advice. Overall it was a pleasant evening and I am sure that I will get pulled in for a full on recording session here in the near future.
So thats my weekend... so far, I still have tomorrow. I will finish my reading, answer the questions, complete my "negative space" drawing and bustle on to school the following day, and I am tired of ranting for now so till later....