Its days like these I wish I had online classes. :) I woke up fine but once I got to moving around my stomach started to disagree. I guess it thought it was to early to get up today. Well anyway i will be a light day because I only have one class. Then off I jet home to visit family. Yeah!!!! This means I will get to visit my dog Buster. He is always bouncing to see me. Acutally he bounces to see anyone but I still like to visit. I have been trying to finish up some music for my solo work called Toadstoole'. People ask why "Toadstoole'" and not just Toadstool or Toad stool. Well those names were already taken and I didnt want to change the name that much. Ha ha... Toadstoole' I just sit around the house and work on music. It can go in any direction but it mostly in the rock/ hardrock genres. I have been chomping at the bit to learn some piano and drums so that I can do something really different, but time will tell. I guess the reason I chose the name was so that people wouldnt get a predisposition of what the music sounded like. I have been chatting with one of my friends for sometime now to come up with a logo for that project but I rarely get to see him anymore since I have moved. I guess I could always do it myself. I have no idea what a toadstool is supposed to look like. Here is my best guess. I hope everyone has an interesting weekend. till later...

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