Friday, February 22, 2008

Eat or be Eaten

Well my warm fuzzy feeling for school is gone for the moment. I am have total fun learning new stuff but my Drawing Class is making me want to walk away at the moment. I am not a realistic drawer. Never have and never want to be. My skills have gotten alot better but it never seems to be enough. I feel like I am on a mission to feed this hunger inside but something else is eating me up. So I did a really quick and angery sketch.
Hopefully I will at least pass this drawing class so I dont have to take it over. If I do I am definitly looking for a different teacher. Maybe I can find someone that will appreciate my efforts. I do try really hard. Oh well, where are the waffles?


Reese Martin said...

ya im definitely dreading drawing class...

Patrick said...

I agree with Reese. But I like your angry cartoon! =]